Tag Archives: blog

Happy Day-After Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. My family and I decided to do a small meal here at home, which turned out for the best… My grandfather fell yesterday, but we are very grateful that he is okay.

As I was cooking yesterday, I was thinking about this past year. It is strange how I can pinpoint the exact week that my family’s life turned upside down. Since the very last few days of June, my family has experienced one heck of a downward plummet. We have lost loved ones and experienced the awful progression of my grandfather’s disease. No matter what we seemed to do to stay positive, each day there was another negative being thrown in our path. I will very happy to welcome next month and the new year with open arms.

Even though, there has been a lot of sadness, pain and negativity… there is still a ton of positives to be grateful for… One thing I am grateful for is this site and all of you. Your constant support has been a reassuring beacon of hope, always showing me there is another world outside of the Alzheimer’s disease… and for that: I am ever grateful. Thank you all for your continued support, even throughout all of my unexpected delays that have occurred these past several months. Thank you all for being one of my bright light/life houses. 🙂 I hope that each of you were able to spend the holiday with your loved ones and that you all found something positive to focus on and be grateful for.

In the spirit of getting back on track…

Throughout this afternoon, I will be posting the winner of the Stacy Juba ebook giveaway and then I will post the next two reviews from The List and then one from the My Sister’s Books list.

Have a fabulous Friday and if you are out in the stores shopping today, be safe!



Filed under About Me

Welcome… Author, Stacy Juba!!!

Good Morning Everyone,

I would like for you all to help me welcome author Stacy Juba. She is a very talented author of several different genres that I have had the pleasure of reading. To read my reviews click on the title of the book: Face-Off, Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, Sink or Swim, Dark Before Dawn, Teddy Bear Town Bundle.

I hope you all enjoy!

1. Hi Stacy, thanks for hanging out on the blog today. Could you please tell the followers here a little bit about yourself?

Thanks for hosting me! I’m a wife, mom, and former journalist for a daily newspaper. I have always loved to read books and write stories, and was writing my own “mystery series” in fifth grade. I have published books for adults, teenagers and children, and the one theme all the stories have in common is that the characters are at a crossroads in their lives. They are at a fork in the road where they can either stay on the safe and predictable path, which hasn’t been serving them too well, or take a new and riskier path toward a more fulfilling future. On my blog from time to time, the “reporter” in me likes to highlight resources that can help my readers to build their own characters, featuring topics such as meditation, parenting and self improvement. I have written a lot of health articles over the years for various publications, as health and wellness are personal interests of mine.

2. I read all sorts of genres, depending on my mood or what is on The List. What is it like for you, as a writer, to write various tales directed at different audiences?

I basically come up with book ideas based on the mood I’m in at the time. My upcoming novel, Fooling Around With Cinderella, is a light and sparkly romantic comedy/sweet romance. I just felt like writing something light and fun, and I see myself going more in that direction down the line. For Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, I wanted to write something more introspective with a “Wow” ending. I felt like surprising readers. With my reality TV mystery Sink or Swim, I wanted to write an entertaining and suspenseful beach read that was lighter than Twenty-Five Years Ago Today. The adult books come more naturally to me than the books for younger readers, but the teen and children’s books are a nice change of pace once in awhile. Writing about different characters and for different audiences keeps me from being bored. And if I’m having fun writing the story, I hope readers will have fun reading it.

3. What was the first children’s book you remember re-reading as a child?

I remember reading a Bobbsey Twins book called The Dune Buggy Mystery and thinking that I had to reread it as soon as I finished. Then I realized it was a series. I read all the series books I could find, such as The Bobbsey Twins, Happy Hollisters, Dana Girls, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Judy Bolton, and Trixie Belden books as I could keep revisiting the same characters again and again. I also had a fondness for Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books and read those more than once.

4. Who are on your top list of must-read mystery authors?

I always look for new books by Lisa Gardner, Iris Johansen and Heather Graham. They fall more along the lines of romantic suspense. I also like Joann Fluke’s Hannah Swenson mysteries as they are light and quick reads (and they inspire me to bake!) and I’ve read most of Denise Swanson’s Scumble River Mysteries and Donna Andrews’ Meg Langslow series .

5. What can readers expect to see from you in the future?

They can look for my romantic comedy/sweet romance novel Fooling Around With Cinderella in 2014, and I plan to write spinoff stories featuring minor characters from the book. I also plan to work on my Face-Off sequel, Offsides, which I wrote when I was a teenager and need to rewrite, as well as finish a mystery novel that was a recipient of the William F. Deeck Malice Domestic Grant which was presented at the Agatha Awards. I have a lot of ideas to keep me busy!

Bonus Questions:

1. Top Teenage Detective?

a. Nancy Drew

b. The Hardy Boys

c. Trizie Belden

d. Other

2. If you could have any one/two of the sixth senses, which would it be?

Website: http://stacyjuba.com/blog/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stacy-Juba/100155471301

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stacyjuba

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2988212.Stacy_Juba

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/stacyjuba/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Stacy-Juba/e/B002OXLSDE/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/stacy-juba

Giveaway Time:
For your chance to win a copy of Sink or Swim or Dark Before Dawn, just leave a comment below between now and November 26, 2013 @ 11:00pm EST. Each comment will count as one entry, if you decide to answer the bonus questions, any correct answers will count as 2 entries. Winner will be selected using Random.org and announced on November 27, 2013. Good luck everyone!


Filed under Interviews

Welcome… Author Julia McDermott!

Good Morning Everyone,

Please help me give a warm welcome to author, Julia McDermott. She is here today to answer a few questions about her latest book, Underwater. Plus she has a few questions for everyone here.


1. Hi Julia. Could you please tell my followers a little bit about yourself and your book Underwater?

Hi, Nicole! Thanks for having me! I was born in Dallas, grew up in Atlanta, and went to UNC-Chapel Hill, spending my junior year abroad in the South of France. I’m married with four almost-grown children, and my family has lived in Dallas, Detroit, Wichita, and Atlanta, where we’ve been since 2000. I write full-time, belong to the Atlanta Writers Club and a wonderful writers’ group, and am always looking for people with whom to practice my French. I love writing, reading, the beach, autumn, football, the holidays, most kinds of art, and all things French.

Underwater is my second novel and was released in August 2013. It’s the story of a super-wealthy Atlanta businesswoman, Candace Morgan, whose ne’er-do-well brother, Monty Carawan, guilts her into funding a luxury home for him to renovate and flip just before the real estate market takes a dive. Candace believes that by “helping” Monty, she’s fulfilled a decades-old promise and righted a wrong turn in her past. But when the housing market plunges even further, the tension between her and Monty rises to a boiling point, and she finds herself roped into a desperate, downward spiral of deceit. Monty’s wife Helen strives to keep their marriage afloat as rough seas threaten their young family, and her own demons rise to the surface.

Underwater looks at the powers of jealousy, greed, and shame, and tests the limits of generosity, in a long-held family pattern of enabling, as stakes rise to a crescendo.

2. What inspired you to dive into writing?

My dream to become a writer was born in the 7th grade, when my class was assigned to write a novel, and my classmates liked my story the best. However, I put that dream on the back burner, and after college, I worked in the banking and software industries before staying home to raise my children. As they grew, I read everything from classics to commercial fiction, often wondering how my favorite authors came up with their characters and plots, and what it was about their stories that made me sad to arrive at the last page.

When my youngest child was twelve, I considered my dream to become a writer, and at the start of the school year, I sat down to a blank computer screen and began. I finished the draft in the spring and began revisions, joined a writers’ group, attended workshops and revised some more. I kept reading a variety of fiction and began writing Underwater about a year before my first novel, Make that deux was released.

3. Underwater focuses on sibling dynamics. Do you have siblings and if so, are there any characters/characteristics based on your family?

I have a sister who is five years older, and a brother six years younger, but the siblings in Underwater are not based on them. I’ve known siblings close in age who are very competitive, and whose relationships are sometimes tense. I drew on these observations to create the relationships between Candace and Monty, and to a lesser extent, Helen and Dawn. Sibling rivalries have been written about since the story of Cain and Abel and the plays of Shakespeare, and I find the dynamics of siblings fascinating.

4. (Question from a follower) How important are your characters’ names and how do you name them?

My characters’ names are very important. I chose an unusual, strong but feminine name for the main character, Candace. I wanted many other characters’ names to suggest something about them: Helen, Dawn, Frank, Rob, Jack, Deirdre, Beau, Rich, Chip and Sonny. I chose Monty for two reasons: I wanted a name that ends in a long “e” sound, and if you change one letter, “Monty” becomes “money.” I decided on several other names only because I like them: Adele, Lucy, Darlene, Ginger, Wendy, Elena, and Julia.

5. Do you have any other books available or plans for future books?

My “New Adult” Romance/French Travel novel, Make that deux was published in October 2012. I am writing a work of creative nonfiction, which I plan to release next summer or fall, and I’m in the planning stages of my next project, another Suspense novel.

6. Where can readers find you and your books?

Find me on my:

Website: http://makethatjulie.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuliaC.mcdermott

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MakeThatJulie

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/julia-mcdermott/18/95a/b45

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6557107.Julia_McDermott

Find my books on Amazon, Kindle and other e-readers, and order them at any bookstore! Here are the links for Amazon:

Make That Deux

7. Is there anything you would like to ask the followers or me?

How do you find your next book to read? If you read a book you enjoy, do you tell friends and acquaintances about it, what you liked about it, and where to buy it? When you delve into a book, are you curious about the author, and how the story came to be written? Or do you prefer just to escape into the world created by a story?


To answer Julia’s questions, I read any and everything. I am grateful to have several sources for finding my next read, but I like to follow authors’ websites, in order to stay up to date on new releases. There is nothing better than discussing a great book with friends. I like “finding” new to me authors and learning more about them and their work. What about all of you?

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Filed under Interviews

Chasing Terpsichore Blog Tour




When a goddess lands in modern times there’s bound to be trouble.

Banished from her home in Olympus and trapped in modern day Australia, Terpsichore does her best to fit in, but when she is mistaken for a prostitute she needs the services of straight- laced solicitor James Barrington to help.

James Barrington is a man on a fast track to a stellar legal career. Being involved with a pole dancing tango teacher is not part of the plan.

Together they fight a Titan rebel and a journey through the Underworld but can they find each other on the way?

Contact Maggie:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maggiemitchellwrites?ref=hl

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mmitchellwrites

Website: http://maggiemitchell.net/home/

About the author:

Maggie Mitchell lives in her dream place by the sea. Of course, sometimes she even gets the dreams written down in a story. Lucky for her she has a musician for a husband who understands the creative spirit. In her other life she teaches undergraduate university nursing students and designs eLearning courses for health organisations. Most days you’ll find her out on her balcony enjoying a glass of Moscato or a cappuccino made on her beloved espresso machine.

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Filed under Guest Posts

Welcome…Authors Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey!!!

Hi Everyone,

Please help me give a warm welcome to two amazing authors, Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey. They are here to answer a few questions about their Countermeasure Series. (To read my reviews of their books, click on each of the titles: Uncharted, Countermeasure, Bytes of Life Anthology, To Russia with Love, Blindsided, Lost to Rapture.)


1. Hi Chris and Ceci! Thanks for hanging out here today. Could you tell the followers here a little bit about yourselves and your books?

Chris: Hi, Nicole! Very happy to be here. I guess we should give your readers a little back story. I’m a Brazilian expatriate living in Canada and a total geek. My background prior to writing was in web development and design but through life’s twists I now find myself writing romance. Cecilia and I began writing together a bit over three years ago. We met at a role playing group and played a mated couple for a while before we decided to write our own stories. I’ve lived in Canada for 15 years and although I suffer through the low temps each year, I’m rewarded each season with the change of colors and the magnificent views so I guess mother nature and I are even.

Cecilia: Hi, thank you for having us. To follow Chris’s lead, I’m a mutt—mix of Irish and Spanish—and an Air Force brat currently living and working in Northern California. Life’s curveballs always lead you one way or another, mine led me to meeting Chris, this adventure we’ve embarked, and into writing our stories.

2. Your books cover a multitude of genres exquisitely well and they seem to be current/ahead of their time. How did you come up with the idea for this series and where do you look for inspiration?

Chris: The original idea for the series came from a dream I had which also became Countermeasure’s prologue in its entirety. The development of the series from the core idea to now has been done in partnership with Cecilia. Inspiration is all around us. We both bring our own lives and experiences to the table and that gives the series the dynamic and diversity it carries out.

3. Now I know you enjoy listening to music, while you write, but is there one particular song that comes to mind for each book?

Chris: Although Ceci and I have the same basic taste in music, we have personal preferences in how to use it in our writing. I personally associate a set of songs to a specific character and when I need to write in that character’s POV, I play the playlist for him. Scenes, romantic or otherwise, also have their own playlist. I associate songs with the couples, with the action sequence, but I don’t have one specific song I can associate with each book.

Cecilia: I do something similar but I tend to pick a song either from a characters’ or couples playlist that feels like the moment in time that I am working in. I guess you could say a theme song for the scene or emotional situation. We have selected a songs that we feel best represent the beat, speed and rhythm of each book for the trailers but our view of the energy within the books is not limited to them.

4. If you could live in any one of the places that is mentioned in your books, where would it be and why?

Chris: I had the pleasure of living in Ireland for a while and if I could pick a place it would be somewhere there, most likely outside Sligo Town. Although Dublin is a wonderful city, I’d still pick Sligo as my home.

Cecilia: I have traveled to many countries and have walked the streets of Monte Carlo. The one place I’ve never been yet is Ireland. My father’s family hails from County Cork, however, having listened to Chris’s reminiscing of adventures in Sligo and researching the area, I feel as if I too have been there. It has become a bucket list item for us to go there in the near future. I have a feeling Sligo will steal my heart.

5. Your characters are very relatable and seem very real to your obsessed followers. Which qualities/characteristics do you share with your characters? Which qualities/characteristics do you wish you shared with them?

Chris: Trevor and I share the love for technology and loyalty to family and friends. I just wish I was as young as he is and could roam the world the way they do but I guess I can do that through their adventures.

Cecilia: Cassandra’s no nonsense approach to situations, love of having a set plan, and of course, very protective of family and friends are some things Cassandra and I have in common. I would love to be that young again with the world and adventure always on the horizon. It will be fun to one day walk some of the steps they have taken.

6. What can readers expect to see from you two in the future?

Chris: We have a lot on our TBW pile and we wish we had more hours in a day to explore all of the stories we want to write. But for certain, we will finish the Countermeasure Series novels and a few more Bytes of Life novellas telling the stories of the secondary characters in the stories. We will also branch out Countermeasure onto the spin-off series The AWE Crew. As for the other stories, we’ll update the list as we go.

7. Where can readers find you?
Is there anything that you would like to ask me or the readers?

Chris: We are all over social media and we welcome new friends on Facebook anytime. We are not even close to reaching the Facebook friend limit so friend away. As for the question, what makes you take interest in a specific book/series? What pulls you in?

Cecilia: Question: As a reviewer/reader, you read books across several genres. Is there a specific genre that holds your special attention?

As Chris mentioned, we are everywhere and anywhere. Here are some direct links to our social media presence:

Authors’ Website: http://chrisalmeida-ceciliaaubrey.com/
Countermeasure Series: http://countermeasureseries.com/
Authors’ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Authors.ChrisAlmeida.CeciliaAubrey
Countermeasure Series Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Counter.Measure.Series
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CAlmeidaCAubrey

Chris and Ceci Banner

To answer Chris’s question, for me, I like to read a story/series that I can get lost in. I prefer to be able to relate on some level with the characters or their story. However, if it is totally impossible to relate to a character, but the plotline is engaging, I find myself anxious to find out what happens next. As a reader, I love a story that pulls me into it and allows for my reality to fade away. 😉

To answer Ceci’s question, I have found that I go through reading phases. As a child, I loved a good mystery or any animal themed book, whereas in my teens I enjoyed more of the psychological thrillers. It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I found the Happily Ever Afters in romance books. I am grateful to have such a broad taste in genres, when I am desperate for a book vacation, I tend choose a YA book, since they are normally fast, easy read and offer a hint of both mystery/romance. But nothing beats a great book that leaves you emotionally wrecked for a few days/weeks. 🙂

So what about all of you? How would you answer Chris’s and Ceci’s questions?

Fun tidbits:

Chris and Ceci are currently working towards 4,000 Likes on their Facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/Authors.ChrisAlmeida.CeciliaAubrey) Once they reach this significant milestone, they will be giving away a paperback copy of Countermeasure.

Uncharted is the first Byte (short story) and it is the official start of this whole series. It is available for FREE at all retailers!!! So if you want to get a feel for this series and love a great deal, go pick up your copy today.

Thanks again to Chris and Ceci for stopping by today and I hope you all enjoyed this interview.

Have a wonderful day!



Filed under Interviews

Chance Collision Cover Reveal



Vowing to protect her had nothing to do with feelings. Detective Pete Crane catches a new shooting case and considers it business-as-usual. But when the lead witness is the Chief of Police’s fiery assistant, he never anticipated she’d challenge him—personally and professionally. Especially while under his protection.

Little do they know, the shooting she and her grandmother witnessed was anything but random.

Thrown together, their attraction sizzles, even though she’s squarely in the no-fly zone. She makes him break every rule in his little black book.

Nikki Harper has been attracted to Pete since they met two years ago. Witnessing a brutal shooting throws her into a stigma that’s always been her greatest fear: a victim. She has no choice but to accept his protective custody and let him help save her and her beloved grandmother.

Can Pete protect his witness and solve the case, while fighting the intense heat with Nikki?

Where to find C.A. Szarek:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caszarek

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caszarek

Blog: http://caszarekwriter.blogspot.ca/

Website: http://www.caszarek.com/

mail (3)
About the Author:

Author of fantasy, paranormal, romantic suspense and the occasional YA. Sword’s Call (King’s Riders Book One) AVAILABLE NOW from Gypsy Shadow Publishing! Collision Force (Crossing Forces Book One) AVAILABLE NOW from Total-E-Bound Publishing!

C.A. is originally from Ohio, but got to Texas as soon as she could. She is married and has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

She works with kids when she’s not writing.
She’s always wanted to be a writer and is overjoyed to share her stories with the world.

Twinsie Talk


Filed under Guest Posts

Support Great Causes!!!

Hi Everyone,

As some of you have seen, there is a new page on here titled Support a Great Cause. On the page I have listed the information for two wonderful causes. The first being World Book Night. Some of you may remember that I participated in this event last year. It is a yearly event that takes place on April 23rd, with the goal of uniting the world through books. To apply to be a book giver or to learn more about the World Book Night Organization, please click on this link: http://www.us.worldbooknight.org/ (This link is to the United States’ site, but on the home page is a link for other countries.)

The other excellent cause that I am asking you all to support is BooksForTroops. BooksForTroops is a group that can be found on Facebook. They are looking for new and gently used print (paperback or hardcover) books of all genres to send to our troops overseas. Please help me spread the word about this great cause by sharing the picture below with all of your friends. Authors, if you are able to donate your books that would be wonderful. Readers, if you have gently used books that you would like to donate, that would be wonderful, too. Any questions can be sent to BooksForTroops2013@gmail.com


Thank you in advanced for helping me spread the word. I greatly appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day!



Filed under About Me

Good Morning World

Hello Everyone,

How are you? I wanted to give you an update on things around here. The past two weeks I have pretty much avoided the computer, any spare moment that I had, I used to read. You see, my family life has been chaotic, it seems since this summer there has been a downward spiral around here and it some days it appears that gravity is winning. Through the world of Alzheimer’s I have “lived” through several decades, saw a TV remote become a bathtub remote (and yes the batteries exploded and the new remote is in the mail) and fought in the war with Harry Truman, along with starting a game now known as football with old friends. (As this is just a taste of what life has been like, you can see why my head has been spinning in circles making it difficult to focus on the computer screen.) Not to mention the fact that I had not one, but two sick doggies that are finally starting to feel better. (Thank goodness!) Over the past two weeks, I could actually feel my spirit and soul tiring. I was feeling depleted. So instead of waking up and jumping on the computer or stating up late at night typing up posts, I read.

Reading has always been my form of therapy/healing medicine. Reading allows you to escape your world and live in another. It gives your mind a much needed vacation, so that your body is prepared to handle what else is in store come the next day. Does that make sense? Well, to me it does. This weekend, a part of me felt refreshed and a little bit closer to that term “normal.” (even though in reality, what is normal?) I have read several books from The List, along with My Sister’s Books List, with a couple just-for-fun books thrown in and of course an Alzheimer’s research book too. What does this mean for all of you??? A boatload of reviews are headed your way this week!!!

I started catching up on all my emails on Saturday and Sunday. I also did several page updates, too. You will now see new books added to The List and My Sister’s Books List. If you check out the Author Appearance page, you will see that the order has been rearranged, so that the more current dates are at the top. This page is still being worked on, as I will be adding links to each of the posts, over the next few weeks, but in the meantime the order is complete and current. While you are checking out the pages, you should notice a new page, one that is near and dear to my heart. The new page is Support A Great Cause! This page is where I will list info about my favorite book-themed organizations. I have included links on how you can help, if you wish. (Be on the lookout in 10 minutes for the next post where I go into a bit more detail for you all.)

How have you all been? What have you been reading this month? I hope each of you and your families are well and that you are all enjoying this bizarre weather!

Have a marvelous Monday everyone!


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Filed under About Me

Panic Blog Tour

Rook is chasing her dream—film school and a chance at a life beyond the one she ran from six months ago. But before she can become the girl she wants to be, she must deal with the girl she left behind.

Ronin is also chasing his dream—a family of his own and a life away from erotic modeling. And he too, has a past he’s trying to forget. A past that makes Rook question everything about their life together.

Lies, secrets, and shocking truths will rock the foundation Rook and Ronin have built. Can they put the past behind them and move forward together? Or is this just another too good to be true relationship that will crash and burn in the end?
Find me here: http://www.newadultaddiction.com/

JA Huss is a SF and new adult romance junkie, has a love-hate relationship with the bad boys, and likes to write new adult books about people with real problems. She lives with her family on a small acreage farm in Colorado and has two donkeys named Paris and Nicole. Before writing fiction, she authored almost two hundred science workbooks and always has at least three works in progress. Her first new adult romance is called TRAGIC.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Filed under Guest Posts

My Sister’s Books Review #26

The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving
By: Jonathan Evison

Benjamin Benjamin is in the middle of a typical mid-life crisis. Hoping to make his life change, he decides to take a class on how to be a perfect caregiver and is assigned to teenage Trevor, who suffers from muscular dystrophy. Benjamin begins to realize that life alone is the teacher and sadly there is no class to prepare him for the lesson. The road trip to visit Benjamin’s past will help change and strengthen his and Trevor’s relationship, with several hilarious bumps along the way.
Jonathan Evison weaves an emotional tale of finding one’s self, while facing the past and caring for someone who uses humor as a way of coping. Readers will find themselves laughing numerous times and they will impatiently read each page as they search for the truth behind Ben’s past. Flashbacks and quick-witted responses will keep readers on their toes. Recommended for fans of emotional life stories with light-hearted twists, who are willing to take a road trip called life.

Similar Authors:
Ivan Doig, Stacy Carlson and Steven Gillis

This review was written for My Sister’s Books.

Purchase Link:

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Filed under Fiction Books, My Sister's Books