Tag Archives: followers

Well… HELLO September!!!

Hi Everyone,

How are you? Sorry I have been quiet this past week and a half. The last week of August flew by and left my head spinning. However they were productive on the home front and one major boulder has been lifted off our shoulders. Thank goodness. However, the month of August was wretched for my family and it seems the large amount of stress that existed during that month, has now hit me like a ton of bricks. Either that or an end-of summer flu bug. Yuk! I logged onto the computer today and realized that my absence has caused my emails to back up tremendously. If you are waiting to hear back from me, please know that I am working on getting caught up on all emails today. My deepest apologies for the delay. I also have a review that I need to type up and will hopefully have that posted for you tonight.

I can’t tell you how relieved I was to say goodbye to August and welcome September with open arms. Also, which almost seems like perfect timing for my family, this month is Alzheimer’s Awareness month. Please be aware of the early warning signs and symptoms and please help spread the word, in hopes of a cure. If it runs in your family, take time to make a game plan with your family, just in case, before it is too late. On a lighter note… I am still working with the winners of the Big Giveaway, however, I will be posting the answers to all of the games tomorrow. Thank you all for your patience, understand and your support. You all are amazing. Thank you!

Here’s to a happy and peaceful autumn for us all.

What about you? Are you excited to welcome a change in seasons or do wish to live the last few weeks of summer to the fullest?



Filed under About Me

Good Morning Everyone

Hi Everyone,

Happy Saturday. I hope you all are having a wonderful week. I wanted to give you all a quick update on the BIG Giveaway. The second winner, Amanda, did contact me and she selected the majority of the prizes. Since there are still a couple left, I have sent an email to the original winner, Melissa, who did not contact me before. Melissa has until 7pm tomorrow to contact me to claim her prizes, otherwise a new name will be drawn tomorrow night. As soon as all the prizes have been claimed I will then post all of the answers to the characters, poems and quotes.

Thank you all again for making the 1 year Birthday party a big success. I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with all of you in the future! Thank you for your continuous support. Have a wonderful weekend!


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Well that looks better…

Hi Everyone,

After a few days of back and forth emails, I finally can say: “Welcome back Sidebars!!!” Thankfully the site’s home page is back to normal with everything in the right place. YAY!!! Thank you all for your help and I really appreciate all of your patience.

Also, The List has grown again! Thank you all for your support. The List is now at 99, which is unbelievable and amazing. Thank you!!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week. I am headed to bed early tonight, so I can catch up on some reading. What are you reading this evening?


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Filed under About Me

I need your help, please…

Hi Everyone,

How is your weekend going? I hope you are reading some good books!

If you have a few seconds, I could really use your help. I noticed yesterday that my sidebars are not appearing on the side of the home page. (They are now located at the bottom of the home page, resulting in uneven posts and a big white gap.) However, the sidebar information (Hello World, Facebook, Twitter, Categories, Search, etc) is visible in the correct place on other pages. I sent a message to the support team, but haven’t heard back yet. So here’s where you guys come in.

If you have a second, could you please look at a page or two on my site, then click back on the Home page. I have included a question/poll in this post to make it easier to compile the results. If you notice anything strange about the sidebars or if everything is working perfect for you, could you please check off your answer.

Thank you very much for taking a minute to help me figure this situation out. I hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.

Thanks again. Have a wonderful day!



Filed under About Me

Drumroll again, please

Good Evening Everyone,

Unfortunately, I did not hear back from the original winner of the BIG Giveaway. Thankfully, the Rafflecopter was full of entries waiting to be picked. So without further ado, the new winner of the BIG Giveaway is lucky entry #440! Congratulations Amanda Zuker!!! Amanda, you have 72 hours to reply back to the email I sent earlier, in order to claim your prizes. If I do not hear from you within 72 hours, I will select another winner.

Thank you again to all who participated in the 1 year anniversary celebration! I hope you all enjoyed the weekly re-reviews and the weekly games. This blog has grown past beyond my wildest dreams and I thank you all for your continued support. You all are amazing!

Have a wonderful night!



Filed under Giveaways

Looking for a Winner…

Hi Everyone,

I am still waiting to hear back from the winner of the Big Giveaway. Melissaann Rich, I need to hear back from you before 11:00pm EDT tonight. If I do not hear from you by then, I will have to select another winner.

Hope everyone is having a great day. I will be back in just a few minutes with the next bookstore review.



Filed under Giveaways

Drumroll, Please!!!

Hi Everyone,

Wow!!! The Big Giveaway was a huge success!!! Overall there were 1190 entries. Thank you to all who participated. So without further ado: Drumroll, Please…

Congratulations to Melissaann Rich! You were lucky entry #106! An email has been sent to you. Please respond within 72 hours to claim your prizes. Congrats again!!!

Thanks again to everyone who participated. I hope you all had fun! I hope to be able to celebrate many more major milestones with you all, in a similar fashion! Here’s to constantly dreaming and here’s to working hard to achieve those dreams. Thank you all for your support and I am looking forward to several more wonderful years. You all are amazing!

Have a wonderful night!


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Filed under Giveaways

A Manic Monday and Let’s Party…

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for a delay in my posts today. One of my dogs was extremely ill and my family has just been having a rough couple of days. However, while everyone is resting comfortably, I am ready to get the celebration started tonight.

Today is Monday, August 5, 2013, which can only mean one thing… The BIG Giveaway has finished and it is time to pick a winner!!! Thank you to everyone who entered. The three month long celebration was a ton of fun for me and I hope it was just as much fun for all of you! In fact, in a few days I will post a poll asking everyone to vote on which portions of the celebration games you enjoyed the most. Why? Well, it just so happens that I am close to 1,000 followers, so we might need to celebrate again soon! What do you think?

Okay, I am going to use Rafflecopter to pick the winner and verify the winner’s entry. Then I will be back later to announce the winner!!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful night (or day)!



Filed under About Me

A Year in Review #10

Hi Everyone,

Here it is… the final Year in Review for this 1 year celebration. This post is bittersweet, which probably explains one of the reasons why it has been delayed. I don’t want this series to end. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking a look back at some of the reviews from this past year and I hope you all have too. Which brings me to this special post…

For the previous 9 weeks, I have chosen books/book series that stuck with me, long after I had reviewed them. For this final look back, I thought I would turn the tables…

Since I am ever so grateful to each and every one of you for your support, I thought I would ask you to tell me which review(s) you enjoyed the most. Over this past year, I have covered numerous genres, which genre was your favorite? Did you have a specific book that you went out and bought after reading the review? Do you have a favorite review from this past year?

I am looking forward to reading your responses. In the meantime, please make sure to click on the Rafflecopter link found under the Big Giveaway page in order for your chance to win the Big Prize. Winner will be selected and announced on Monday! Good Luck!

Thank you all again for your support. I am looking forward to this next fabulous year.

Good night!


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Big Giveaway Extension

Hi Everyone,

How are you? This has been a crazy week, I can’t believe it is already August 1st! Since I haven’t been on here much this week, I have extended the Big Giveaway by a few days, in order to give everyone a chance to catch up on their entries. So make sure to head over to the Big Giveaway page and click on the Rafflecopter link, to make sure you are entered.

The last Facebook poem was posted yesterday and the last Twitter description was posted today. Make sure to check those out for extra entries in the Rafflecopter. Check back later tonight for the final Year in Review. The giveaway has been extended until Sunday, August 4, 2013 at 11:59pm EDT. Winner will be selected on Monday and announced here later that day. Good luck everyone!!! This has been an incredible year and I can’t thank you all enough for your support.


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